About Us
The Great American Cleanup of PA is an annual event that begins in March and runs through May where People Who Use Trash Cans join together to remove trash from Chester County on RT 1, RT 41, and RT 52. The cleanup begins near Walmart in Kennett Square and moves south weekly on RT 1 until reaching the New London or Oxford exits. Then, it moves to RT 41 in Avondale and moves north weekly to Christiana. Individuals, groups, pairs, families, service clubs, bands, earthlings, anyone seeking community service hours, circus folks, people who love the color orange, and animals, if they can collect trash and put it in a bag, are all welcome to join. To learn more, check out the FAQs. To sign up, register to pitch in.

A special thank you to our partners Keep PA Beautiful for free litter disposal and Keep Chester County Beautiful for advocacy. A huge thank you hug to Penndot for picking up all the bags and debris collected. Penndot is always the brunt of society's jokes, but we love them and their service is top-shelf.