FAQ'S / Rules

How does it work?
  • On the Events page, sign up for a date and include each participant's name and glove and vest size. Read the Safety Rules and General Rules. Review and agree to the waiver from liability for participation. Be sure you know which way north is and which way south is.

  • Read the rest of the FAQ's / Rules for information about getting your supplies and what to wear and bring. You will receive an email with your starting location a day or so before your cleanup begins. Go there anytime between 9am and 5pm, and your supplies will be there.

What about supplies?
Who can participate?
What to wear and bring?
Safety Rules and General Rules
What to expect while cleaning
What to expect when you are done
What to expect when you get home

If we don't do it, who will?

In conjunction with
People Who Use Trash Cans
